Sunday, June 1, 2008

26.2....been there, run that!

We did it! We ran (over) 26.2 miles. The reason I say over is because you end up running more when you are on running from one side of street to another, etc. I wouldn't know for sure because my iPod locked up at 19 miles and I had to reset it... losing 3 hours and 33 minutes of running data. I think I want a Garmin for Christmas.

Here is the short version and I will post a complete race report after I get some much-needed sleep. I have some great pictures to post as well.

  • I finished! I have accomplished something only 1% of the population can say they have done.
  • The culmination of months of training was well worth it. It was a great experience overall.
  • Crossing the finish line hand-in-hand with Lisa after running for hours next to her was a wonderful experience. Since our names were on our shirts we heard "Go Lisas!!" quite a bit, which was fun.
  • Chatting with other runners throughout the day was fun. We definitely were a big community, especially in the back part of the pack.
  • I am officially a "middle-of-the-pack" girl too! I finished 8270 out of 16373 (just shy of top half, darnit!) However, in my age and gender groups I was well into the top half--yeah (382 out of 1017 and 3271 out of 8425).


  • It was FREAKIN' HARD.
  • I didn't finish close to the time I thought I would and ran quite a bit slower than my training pace. I was hoping to run a 4:30, but we came in at 4:54.
  • I didn't have as much energy as I would have liked. I felt pretty toasted by mile 16 or so. If it weren't for seeing my wonderful husband and family at mile 14, I probably would have faded around then.
  • While Jen finished, she wasn't able to finish with Lisa and I. It was a bit of a sour note on a great finish.
  • I became too familiar with race porta potties. The "runners trots" hit me in the late miles.
  • My iPod had issues which was annoying and distracting. I think it got wet from my sweat and various sprayed water along the way.

I should have been in bed hours ago. I am exhausted. I am excited to talk about the race in more detail tomorrow sometime.


Emma said...

I jumped on here first thing this morning to "hopefully" read a marathon post. I am SO excited for you said you are now in the 1% of the population that has finished a marathon!!! And finishing so well for your sex and age is amazing, especially as this is your first marathon! I bet the adrenalin from finishing kept you up so late last night! So do you see running more marathons in your future? I figured I'd ask while you are still on your runner's high. hehehe. I can not wait to see the pictures. I am SO proud of you Lisa.

A Little Of A Lot said...

WTG Lisa !! I kept checking in on you yesterday.
I'm so proud of you and all that you have accomplished.

Anonymous said...

yayyyyyy!!! I thought you had finished somewhere in the middle by seeing your numbers yesterday. I am so happy for you, and can't wait to see your pictures.

I noticed you tagged this as your "first" marathon - should we assume that there will be many more?!!!

I am TOTALLY writing my name on my shirt, and maybe my arms, legs, etc. when my turn comes!

Hilly said...

congrats girl! i'm so darned proud! can't wait to see the pics! how was the weather? did you feel better the morning of the race or were you still a bit under the weather? GREAT JOB!

Bean said...

You rock, Mama!! :D

Fortune Family said...

Way to go Lisa! You are awesome and very inspiring.
Good for you for challenging yourself.
It's a reminder to us all, particularly SAHM's, not to forget ourselves. Can't wait to see the pics.

xoxo - Jana Banana & Crew


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