Monday, February 20, 2012

A Bad Blogger…

I really should think of this blog as a job.  But I don’t. It has opened up a world for me –the world of running and the wonderful online running community. But yet, it sits here…lonely…without an update for weeks. I receive fantastic opportunities from this blog (i.e. Fitfluential, Nuun, etc.) and to those companies I apologize for my recent lack of stimulating content.

I started this blog four years ago as a way to document my journey of training for my first marathon. It was my journal, my account of becoming a runner. As I started getting followers and started learning more and more about running and fitness, I tried to add helpful posts like reviews, workouts etc. I tried to make my posts something that other people would want to read. But ultimately, it always came back to my own thoughts and feelings. I am not as good at seeing myself as an expert as I am at seeing myself as a runner…trying to find the right balance in life.

Lately, I have been feeling a little overwhelmed.  I am no busier than anyone else.*  I lead a typical life of a mom with a part-time job. Ironically, I can keep up with my turns on Words with Friends, but I struggle to keep up with expiring Groupons, blog posts and the laundry.  I know great bloggers who balance motherhood, full-time jobs and other responsibilities and still add interesting and informative content almost every day.**   It is not that I don’t have ideas…I have a half dozen unfinished posts in my draft folder. I just lack the focus and inspiration to get them done! I only seem to do what is most pressing at the time, letting other things in my life fall by the wayside.

My husband asked me once how I could have the dedication to run a mile every day, but I can’t seem to put away a load of laundry. I think running helps me escape (much like Words with Friends—LOL) and for those few minutes a day, I don’t feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it seems like there is so much to do, so I don’t even start. Then I am behind and it spirals into chaos.

How do I get things back on track?

What do you do to keep your life from falling into chaos? 



*Although recently I have been pretty consumed with organizing the jog-a-thon at my kids’ school, which took a LOT of time and energy.

**I do suspect, however, that some of those with full-time jobs manage to do a few blog posts from work.


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